Levine Flexhaug

Born: 1918  |  Died: 1974

Levine Flexhaug. Painter. Climax, Saskatchewan.  Active mid 20th century.

Known as ‘Flexie’ (he signed his work ‘Flexie’), Levine Flexhaug was an itinerant self-taught landscape painter. He painted on ‘Beaver Board’ with oil-based house paint and signed his work “Flexie’ with the date. His career was an interesting one. See below.

“An itinerant artist who turned out endless variations of essentially the same idyllic mountain-lake scene, Flexhaug made and sold his paintings on the spot in national parks, resorts, department stores, restaurants, and bars across western Canada from the late 1930s to the 1960s. Painting a landscape fantasy for a society that had been shaped by the Dust Bowl and Depression, he transformed a generic image into paintings of richness and surprising invention.” – from “A Sublime Vernacular – The Landscape Paintings of Levine Flexhaug”.

A sample of one of Levine Flexhaug’s  landscape paintings:

Levine Flexhaug. Landscape with Moose.

Levine Flexhaug. Landscape with Moose.

His mark:

Levine Flexhaug. Landscape with Moose. His mark.

Levine Flexhaug. Landscape with Moose. His mark.


A link to two websites about Levine Flexhaug and his paintings:




Arthur Villeneuve

Born: 1910  |  Died: 1990

Arthur Villeneuve. Painter. Sculptor. Chicoutimi, Quebec. Active mid-20th century.

Arhtur Villeneuve, a barber in Chicoutimi, Quebec, was a primitive artist. He worked on any ‘as found’ surface that he could find; including the house that he lived in. Driven by his inspiration, he covered every surface of his home-inside and out-with his impressions of the world and the society around him. His work and his impressions were not well received by his neighbors and fellow townspeople in the beginning; but his visions  attracted attention from the world beyond Chicoutimi and he became well known indeed; eventually having a retrospective of his work in 1972 at the Montreal Museum of Fine Art. Arthur Villeneuve was not a naive artist; he was true primitive who worked with ‘as found’ materials, including oil based house paint and used whatever he had at hand or could afford to buy to make a life-long series of very sophisticated and often spectacular works of art.

Arthur Villeneuve also sculpted.

An example of the work of Arthur Villeneuve:

Arthur Villeneuve. A Landscape.

Arthur Villeneuve. A Landscape.


 Ref: Francois Gagnon. Arthur Villeneuve’s Quebec Chronicles. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. 1972.

A link to a National Film Board documentary about Arthur Villeneuve. ‘The Barber of Chicoutimi’:



A link to an article about Villeneuve in the Encyclopedia of French Culture in North America:


Pierre Favreau

Born: 1940  |  Died: 2016

Pierre Favreau. Sculptor. Wood carver. St.-Cuthbert, Quebec. Active late 20th century-.

Pierre Favreau was a bird carver. He made carvings of the wild birds found in Quebec and Eastern Canada. His carvings were realistic; well carved and colored. He signed his work. He was married to Christiane Desbiens and they shared a studio.

Richard Metivier

Born: Active 1995.

Richard Metivier. Sculptor. Wood carver. Quebec. (Exact location unknown.) Active 1995.

Richard Metivier. His mark is found on a fine painted chip carving of a man ice fishing. It is signed “Richard Metivier ’95”  with a scratch carving of a lantern on the front of the base. The background of this artist is unknown as yet; the images were seen on a popular and informative blog on Quebec folk artists and outsider artists (see note *). Some images are shown below.

The Ice Fisherman by Richard Metivier:

Richard Metivier. Quebec. Sculptor. Wood carver. Active 1995.

Richard Metivier. Quebec. Sculptor. Wood carver. Active 1995.


Richard Metivier.  His mark:

Richard Metivier. Quebec. Sculptor. Wood carver. Active 1995. His mark.

Richard Metivier. Quebec. Sculptor. Wood carver. Active 1995. His mark.


*Ref:Popular Folk Art Forum-Blog (French language): http://www.antiquepromotion.com/modules/newbb/viewforum.php?forum=27

Charlie Norris

Born: 1929  |  Died: 2013

Charlie Norris. Painter. Sculptor. Wood carver. Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia. Active 1980  and on.

Charlie Norris was the brother of the artist Joe Norris. An accomplished artist in his own right, Charlie Norris painted and carved; making, among many other things,  bright and graceful applied relief carvings of sailing ships in painted frames. He lived right on the shore at Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia and over time he created a miniature version of the fishing village that he placed around his yard on the sea shore. It was striking and not a little transcendent to come around the shore road and see it. Shown below is an example of one of his applied relief ship carvings as well as a link to an article on Charlie Norris.

Charlie Norris. Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia. Applied relief carving of a Sailing Ship. 1990’s:

Charlie Norris. Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia. Applied relief carving of a Sailing Ship. 1990's.

Charlie Norris. Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia. Applied relief carving of a Sailing Ship. 1990’s.


Charlie Norris. Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia. Applied relief carving of a Sailing Ship. Detail:

Charlie Norris. Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia. Applied relief carving of a Sailing Ship. Detail.

Charlie Norris. Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia. Applied relief carving of a Sailing Ship. Detail.


His mark:

Charlie Norris. Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia. His mark.

Charlie Norris. Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia. His mark.

Charlie Norris. Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia. A small part of his model fishing village:*

The Smaller Lower Prospect by Charlie Norris.

The Smaller Lower Prospect by Charlie Norris.

A link to an article about Charlie Norris in The Halifax Chronicle (2013):



*Ref: Folk Art Maritime. Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. (With thanks.)