G. Dubois

Born: Active 1970's.

G. Dubois. Painter. Quebec. Active 1970’s.

G. Dubois is the mark seen on a naive painting done in ‘as found’ colours of a harbour scene with fishing boats. It is signed in the lower right and is dated 1973. There is no other information available about the artist.

A painting of a Harbour scene. G. Dubois, 1973:

G. Dubois. Quebec. 1973. Oil on artist board.

G. Dubois. Quebec. 1973. Oil on artist board.

Henry Boudreau

Born: 1951  |  Died: 2016

Henry Boudreau. Sculptor. Wood carver. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Active late 20th century.

Henry Boudreau lived and worked on Janvrin’s Island off Cape Breton. He made wonderful and very detailed carvings of people in his community (and all communities) in their daily lives and the things they get up to. He used mixed media and his figures were usually clothed in costumes sewn by the artist.They were always painted (by his wife ‘Geevee’) and usually signed. His works are delightful and fascinating.


An image of A carving by Henry Boudreau. The Spaghetti Dinner:

Henry Boudreau. Sculptor. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Carving. At the Table.

Henry Boudreau. Sculptor. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Carving. At the Table.


*Image Ref. Harvest Gallery.ca.


Edmund Doucette

Born: 1894  |  Died: 1985

Edmund Doucette. Sculptor. Wood carver. Miminegash, Prince Edward Island. Active  mid 20th century.

Edmund Doucette made painted and unpainted carvings for most of his life and after retiring he made carved and painted scenes of Acadian life on the farm in Prince Edward Island. He has been collected by both museums and private collectors.

A link to a work by Henry Boudreau from a CHIN website:



Camille Cormier

Born: 1924  |  Died: 2003

Camille Cormier. Painter. Shediac, New Brunswick. Active 20th century.

Camille Cormier made paintings-often from old photographs-of traditional Acadian scenes and customs. He has been collected widely both privately and in Museums. He was unable to accept a scholarship to study painting in his youth and painted very casually until he retired to the Moncton area in 1978. The McCord Museum in Montreal has a number of his works in their collections. (See the link below.)


A link to some 47 paintings by Camille Cormier from the McCord Museum website:



R. J. Bremner

Born: Active late 20th century.

R. J. Bremner. Painter. Digby, Nova Scotia. Active late 20th century.

R.J. Bremner’s name is found on paintings from the Digby area. He worked with skill and drama and usually signed and dated his work. He painted on artists board using acrylic paint.  No other information is known about this artist. An example of his work is shown below.

The Dory on the Bay of Fundy. R. J. Bremner. 1999:

R. J. Bremner. Digby Nova Scotia. The Dory.

R. J. Bremner. Digby Nova Scotia. The Dory.


R. J. Bremner. Digby, Nova Scotia. His mark:

R. J. Bremner. Digby, Nova Scotia. His mark.

R. J. Bremner. Digby, Nova Scotia. His mark.