William Everton

Born: Active 1930's.

William Everton. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Toronto, Ontario. Active 1930’s.

William Everton carved naive sculptures of a broad range of subjects, mostly people in there occupations. Western themes. Native peoples, firemen, etc. In paint.

Ref: Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999).

Arthur Erwin

Born: Active 1970's - .

Arthur Erwin. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Winchester, Ontario. Active 1970’s – .

Arthur Erwin is a naive sculptor. He made painted carvings of people, animals and birds. He also made sculptures for his yard. He was cited in ‘From the Heart” (Pl. 219).*


*Ref: The Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies. From The Heart: Folk Art in Canada. McClelland and Stewart, Toronto. 1983.

Ref: Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999).



Pierre Emond

Born: 1738  |  Died: 1808

Pierre Emond. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Quebec City, Quebec. Active 19th century.

Pierre Emond was a sculptor of painted and gilt religious figures. His work also included furniture making. He was cited in Trudel’s work on traditional Quebec sculpture (1967) and also by Barbeau (1957).


Ref: Jean Trudel. Sculpteure Traditional du Quebec. Ministere des Affaires Culturelles. 1967.

Ref: Marius Barbeau,  J’ai vu Québec. Québec City: Garneau.(1957).


Ref: Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999).

William Ellis

Born: 1870  |  Died: 1960

William Ellis (Billy). Sculptor. Decoy maker. Whitby, Ontario. Active mid 20th century.

William Ellis was a maker of decoys. His works include Canada Geese as well as silhouettes.


Ref: Ralph and Patricia Price. ‘Twas Ever Thus. Toronto. M.F. Feheley. 1979.

Ref: Bernie Gates. Ontario Decoys. The UpperCanadian. 1982.


Ref: Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999).

Lillian Ellis

Born: 1877  |  Died: 1939

Lillian Ellis. Fabric artist. Quilt maker. Darling Lake, Nova Scotia. Active early 20th century.

Lillian Ellis was a quilt make. She was cited in Field’s book: The Spirit of Nova Scotia*. (1985)


*Ref: Richard Field. Spirit of Nova Scotia. Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. Halifax. 1985.

Ref: Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999).