Barbara Furhovde

Born: Active late 20th century -.

Barbara Furhovde. Painter. Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. Active late 20th century – .

Barbara Furhovde is a naive painter. She paints scenes of her life and childhood on the fishing boats and on the land where she grew up near Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.

Returning to the Boat. Acrylic on panel. Barbara Furhovde:

Barbara Furhovde. Returning with the Catch.

Barbara Furhovde. Returning with the Catch.

James Forbes


James Forbes. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Nove Scotia. Active late 20th century.

James Forbes has carved people, Birds and animals; often using ‘as found’ materials. He has participated in the Lunenburg Folk Art Festival in past years. Shown here is a Shore Bird made from a tree burl an antique square nail – a popular beak on shore bird carvings in the past.

James Forbes. Carving of a Burl Shore Bird:

James Forbes. Burl Shore Bird.

James Forbes. Burl Shore Bird.


Ref: Folk Art Maritime. Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.

Terrance Fortune

Born: Active late 20th century - .

Terrance Fortune. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Isle Madame, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Active late 20th century – .

A carpenter and boat builder Terrance Fortune now carves full time and is also a caregiver. His work is imaginative and very unpredictable. He works with ‘as found’ materials and uses bright primary colours.

The artist when talking about his work has said: “I am stunned that what I do can give others pleasure.  When I work on my piece I leave all the distractions buzzing in my head and totally enter into the moment – it is a meditative state”.

Terrance Fortune. A Cat:

Terrance Fortune. A Cat.

Terrance Fortune. A Cat.



Ref: Folk Art Maritime. Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.

Tom MacKay

Born: Active late 20th century.

Tom MacKay. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Port Howe, Nova Scotia. Active late 20th century.

Tom Mackay was a primitive artist. Born in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, he was known for his carvings of people. His carvings were very expressive, in the round, and painted. He sometimes signed his work.

Tom MacKay. Carvinof a man:

Tom MacKay. Primitive carving of a Man.

Tom MacKay. Primitive carving of a Man.

Garfield Campbell

Born: 1919

Garfield Campbell. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Nova Scotia. Active late 20th century – .

Garfield Campbell made carvings of people in situations. At work. On the Farm. Playing. His carvings are full of  humor and his personal memories. His wife Verbena painted all of his carvings usually with glossy primary colours. He signed his work; often with a title.

A carving by Garfield Campbell – Made for the Poster of the 2008 Lunenburg Folk Art Festival:


Garfield Campbell 2008 Lunenburg Festival Poster.

Garfield Campbell 2008 Lunenburg Festival Poster. 

Ref: Folk Art Maritime. Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.