Alphonse Bergeron

Born: 1893  |  Died: 1979

Alphonse Bergeron. Sculptor. Ile-aux-Coudre, Quebec and Montreal, Quebec. Active mid-20th century.

Born in Ile-aux-Coudre, Quebec, Alphonse Bergeron live and worked in Montreal as an electrician. A naive and self-taught artist, he was a maker of birds, waterfowl, farm animals, boat models and people. All in paint. he rarely sold his work but gave it to friends and family and he also never signed any of them. His work is powerful and full of color. He was first published in Lessard’s:  “La Nouvelle Encyclopédie des Antiquités du Québec”.

Three Birds by Alphonse Bergeron:

Alphonse Bergeron.

Alphonse Bergeron.


*A bit of background in French to the life and career of Alphonse Bergeron from his nephew, Robert Bergeron:

“Avec un parti pris évident, mon sculpteur d’art populaire préféré est mon oncle Alphonse…
Alphonse Bergeron (1893-1979) Comme je prépare un petit recueil de ses œuvres, j’aimerais
bien si vous avez de celles-ci que vous m’en faisiez part..

Alphonse Bergeron est né à l’Ile-aux-Coudres en juin 1893. Il a pratiqué le métier d’électricien à Montréal et autodidacte, il a réalisé là-bas des pièces naïves d’art populaire comme passe-temps et pour léguer le tout à ses proches…Il a surtout sculpté des pièces animalières (oiseaux, appelants et chevaux surtout) et il s’inspirait
d’illustrations prises dans les National Geographic du temps pour réaliser ses couleurs…Il est décédé en 1979 . La grande majorité des sculptures qu’il a réalisées se retrouvent donc dans sa famille élargie…et ne sont pas offertes sur le marché.”

Robert Bergeron also notes that Lucien Bergeron, the son of Alphonse, (1927-2009) also began to carve birds in his retirement. Like his father he didn’t sign his birds and gifted them to friends and family members. (See the article on Lucien Bergeron.)


Ref: Michel Lessard, La Nouvelle Encyclopdie des Antiquites du Quebec.  Montreal, Editions de L’homme,  2007.

Gerald Mailloux

Born: 1942

Gerald Mailloux. Sculptor. Wood carver. Baie-Saint-Paul, Charlevoix, Quebec.  Active 1970’s – .

Gerald Mailloux is a carver of realistic animals,birds and fish. He also carves historical and traditional Quebec figures. He has a life sized carving on permanent display at the Charlevoix Museum in Baie-Saint-Paul.  He carves and finishes in great detail.  Mailloux  signs and dates all of his carvings.

Ref: Jean Simard, Pour Passer Le Temps: Artistes Populaires Du Quebec, Gouvernement du Quebec, Ministere des Affaires Culturelles. 1985.

Ref:Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999).

Ref: Adrien Levasseur. Website. And:  Sculpteurs en Art Populaire au Quebec, Editions GID, Quebec. 2012.

Ref: Canadian Antiques and Art Review. (1980).

Ref: A short film in French with Gerald Mailloux by la Société québécoise d’ethnologie.

From their excellent series of films:  ‘Les artistes en art populaire de Charlevoix’:


Janine Bourgault

Born: ?

Janine Bourgault. Sculptor. Wood carver. Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec. Active 1970’s-.

A member of the family of Bourgault wood carvers. She is known for her relief carvings. An example is shown of a Surveyor with his wheel.  Showing the bark on the four edges. Signed Janine Bourgault. Circa 1970.

Janine Bourgault. Relief carving of a Surveyor:

Janine Bourgault. Relief carving.

Janine Bourgault. Relief carving.


Sample of her mark:

Signature of  Janine Bourgault

Signature of Janine Bourgault

Andre-Medard Bourgault

Born: Active mid 20th c - .

Andre – Medard Bourgault. Sculptor. Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec. Active 1960s -.

Andre-Medard Bourgault. The son of Medard Bourgault and a very fine sculptor. He is still active and, with other family members, maintains  a workshop in Saint-Jean-Port-Joli. Shown below is a rare ‘political’ carving by Andre Medard Bourgault.

The Hypocrite. By Andre Medard Baorgault:

Andre Medard Bourgault. The Hypocrite.

The Mark on “Hypocrite”:

Andre Medard Bourgault ‘Hypocrite’ The Mark.


A link to a video of Andre-Medard Bourgault at work:

Reference ( also with a video) French Language:


Shown: Detail from a carved Virgin Mary and Child. In the form of a crescent. Exquisitely done. Signed A. M.  Bourgault:

His Mark:

Signature of A. M. Bourgault. 400

Carmelle Bourgault

Born: Active 1950's - .

Carmelle Bourgault. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec. Active 1950’s -.

Carmelle Bourgault – the daughter of Medard Bourgault – was a fine and delicate carver. Shown here is her mark on an exquisitely carved Virgin and Child  in the form of a Crescent (I have misplaced the image for the moment).

The Mark of Carmelle Bourgault:

Signature of Carmelle Bourgault

Signature of Carmelle Bourgault