Reynalda Bedolla-Sanchez

Born: 1950

Reynalda Bedola-Sanchez. Scupltor. Wood carver. Saint-Sauveur-des-Monts, Quebec. Active late 20th century – .

Reynalda Bedola-Sanchez works with ‘as found’ materials and colors making sculptures of Birds and the occasional animal. She finds her materials in the forests and fields around her. Her work is striking and very colorful.


Ref: Adrien Levasseur. Website. And:  Sculpteurs en Art Populaire au Quebec, Editions GID, Quebec. 2012.


Raymond Beauregard

Born: 1942

Raymond Beauregard. Sculptor. Wood carver. Saint-Ilois, Quebec. Active late 20th century.

Originally from the city of Montreal; Raymond Beauregard is a maker of boat and ship models. He uses ‘as found’ materials and colors to make models from life and from his imagination.



Ref: Adrien Levasseur. Website. And:  Sculpteurs en Art Populaire au Quebec, Editions GID, Quebec. 2012

Louis-Emile Beauregard

Born: 1922  |  Died: 1989

Louis-Emile Beauregard. Sculptor. Wood carver. Saint-Adolphe-de-Dudswell, Quebec. Active mid 20th century.

Louis Beauregard made miniature models of the traditional scenes around him. Many of his models were mechanized and functioned as the real ones did. Farm machinery and rural life from 1920 to 1940, kitchen dioramas with the people at work and play and a school room with pupils and the teacher were some of his inspirations. His best known was a model of the general store, completely detailed from customers and inventory to a shotgun that breaks open to reload the shells. There is a permanent display of his miniatures in a Museum in Dudswell, Quebec. (See the link(s) below.) Beauregard was a “sculptor and handyman” and a Post Master by trade. His works were never sold while he was alive.

A link in French to the work of Louis Beauregard:

A link in English (second page):




Jeanne Belanger-Robichaud

Born: Active mid 20th century

Jeanne Belanger-Robichaud. Sculptor. Wood carver. Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec. Active mid 20th century.

Jeanne Belanger-Robichaud made her first work, a model of the church in Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, in 1929 as an offering of gratitude for the recovery of her daughter from an illness. It was a completely detailed model;about four feet tall and coloured and electrified to show the details of the interior.

That was just the beginning. She went on, over the next forty-one years, to make as many as 262 separate carvings that made up the village of Saint-Jean-Port-Joli. The village is complete with out-buildings, towns-people (made by local artists) and horse-drawn wagons and carriages. Most of the village has been acquired by The Canadian Museum in Hull, Quebec and is on display on their blog-site. Unfortunately the blog is not searchable. But the site is quite good and well worth a look. (See the link below.)

The Canadian Museum of History Blog-site:


An Image of the Church and village by Jeanne Belanger (Can. Hist. Mus.):






Alice Avoine

Born: 1908

F. Alice Avoine. Sculptor. Wood carver. Renault, Quebec. Active mid 20th century.

Alice Avoine used ‘as found’ materials (bottles, metal cans, wood and concrete to decorate her yard with bird houses, castles, whirligigs and animals (in concrete). All in paint. In an interview she said that she did it to pass the time and it looked beautiful. She was first mentioned in ‘Les Patenteux du Quebec.


Ref: Les Patenteux du Qubec. Louise de Grosbois, Raymonde Lamothe and Lise Nantel, Les Editions Parti Pris, Montreal, 1978.