R. Thiberi. Sculptor. Wood carver. Farnham, Quebec. Active mid 20th century.
From a mark found on a wood carving. A stamp and a signature carved. I have no image of a carving. (Shown Below.)
Carved mark:
The Stamp:
Canadian Folk Art and Outsider Art
R. Thiberi. Sculptor. Wood carver. Farnham, Quebec. Active mid 20th century.
From a mark found on a wood carving. A stamp and a signature carved. I have no image of a carving. (Shown Below.)
Carved mark:
The Stamp:
Richard Proulx. Wood carver. Sculptor. Kamouraska, Quebec. Active late 20th century.
Richard Proulx made carvings of Birds and small animals. He always painted his work and finished with a light varnish. Richard Proulx sometimes signed his work but often not especially in the early days. He signed with a chisel or by hand with ink. M. Proulx liked to mount his carvings on ‘as found Forest wood and Driftwood. The chisel mark is found on a painted carving of a seal with the date 1997 shown below.
Richard Proulx ;
His mark:
A Bluebird by Richard Proulx:
His Mark in Ink:
Andre Dubois. Sculptor. Wood carver. Quebec. Active mid 20th century.
Andre Dubois. His mark found on the base of a painted carving of a Flicker (Woodpecker). Found in the Montreal area of Quebec. Dating from the 1970’s. It is about 8 inches high. ( See image below.)
Andre Dubois. Carving of a Woodpecker:
Andre Dubois. The mark:
H. Garbati. Sculptor. Wood carver. Montreal (?), Quebec. Active mid 20th century.
H. Garbati. The mark on a striking carving of a Mare and a Foal. With the mark: H. Garbati in the lower right corner. (See images below.) The carving measures about 18 by 20 inches. It was found in the Montreal area of Quebec.
Mare and Foal. Signed: H. Garbati:
The mark:
Walter Myette. Sculptor. Wood carver. Chezzetcook, Nova Scotia. Active late 20th century.
Walter Myette began carving birds while recovering from an illness. His birds were life-sized and well coloured. He was ‘discovered by a film crew who were making a documentary in his area. The attention encouraged him to become more prolific and he carved birds until well into his 90’s.
A Robin by Walter Myette:
Ref: Folk Art Maritime.
Ref:Kobayashi/Bird, A Compendium of Canadian Folk Artists (1985).
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