Damase Richard

Born: 1852  |  Died: 1922

Damase Richard. Sculptor. Staint-Ubalde, Portneuf, Quebec. Active early 20th century. (1900-1920).

Father of Wilfrid Richard Damase Richard was a carver of painted wood carvings of birds, and animals; both domestic and wild. First collected by Nette Sharpe; his carvings were intensely colored in glossy ‘as found’ paint. Damase Richard was one of the first ‘named’ primitive artists of rural Quebec in the 20th century. He carved  impressions of animals and birds found on the farms and in the woods around him and was one of the founders of this tradition in Quebec. His work is rare, partly because he rarely signed his work and because it is very sought after. He was collected by Museums in Quebec and  in Hull by the Museum of Civilization.

An excellent article about the Richard family of Sculptors in Quebec from the online Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America:


The book on Wilfrid and Damase Richard (Rare and worth finding):

'A World peopled by Animals'

‘A World peopled by Animals’ The Book: Un Monde Peuple D’Animaux


RefAlong Quebec Highways. Tourist guide. Department of Highways and Mines. Quebec. 1930. Pictures and maps of Quebec at that time.