Leon Ipperciel

Born: 1887  |  Died: 1981

Leon Ipperciel. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Montebello, Quebec. Active 1965- 1982.

Leon Ipperciel made scale models of railway steam engines in wood and metal as well as models of the boats that plied the Ottawa River.


Ref:Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999).

Louise Fleury

Born: 1955

Louise Fleury. Painter-woodcarver. Bic, Quebec. Active late 20th century.

See the article on Francois Delaney for a complete description of her work.

The mark of Louise Fleury and Francois Delany:

Delany/Fleury. Bic, Quebec. Their mark.

Delany/Fleury. Bic, Quebec. Their mark.


Francois Delany

Born: 1955

Francois Delaney. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Bic, Quebec. Active late 20th century.

Francois Delaney. His name is found, along with the name of Louise Fleury, on carved and painted Fish, animals and delicate small song birds. Louise Fleury may have been the colorist of these carvings or she possibly carved in her own right. The carvings were usually signed “Delaney/Fleury on the base and I always found them along the lower Gulf of St-Lawrence, in Bic and other towns on the shore highway. An example of one of their Fish carvings is shown.

A carving of a Fish by Francois Delaney and Louise Fleury:

Delany-Fleury. Bic, Quebec. Carving of a Fish.

Delany-Fleury. Bic, Quebec. Carving of a Fish.

Delaney/Fleury. Their mark:

Delany/Fleury. Bic, Quebec. Their mark.

Delany/Fleury. Bic, Quebec. Their mark.


Harvey McInnes

Born: 1904  |  Died: 2002

Harvey McInnes. Painter. Zealandia, Saskatchewan. (B. Cobden, Ont.) Active mid to late 20th century.

Harvey McInnes began painting seriously in 1965;  experimenting with oil paints, pastels and coloured pencils. He painted pictures of life on the farm. In his words: “A lot of my pictures are made up just from scenery and things I remember from away back. Some of them I make entirely just using my imagination… I save small animal pictures sometimes and use them with my own makeup of scenery for a picture.” He is widely collected in Canada including the Canadian Museum of Civilization.

Ref: The SKNAC Web Site. (Saskatchewan Network for Art Collecting.) A useful site for Saskatchewan folk artists:


jean-Claude Bradet

Born: 1937

Jean-Claude Bradet. Sculptor. Woodcarver. St.-Urbain, Charlevoix, Quebec. Active late 20th century-.

Jean-Claude Bradet began carving after he retired in 1991. He carves animals and birds and people in the traditional scenes of the 19th and early 20th century. His son Robert colors his work. He signs his carvings and occasionally puts ‘St Urbain’ on the base.

A  Farm Scene by Jean-Claude Bradet:

Jean-Claude Bradet. St.-Urbain, Quebec.

Jean-Claude Bradet. St.-Urbain, Quebec.


Ref: Adrien Levasseur. Website. And:  Sculpteurs en Art Populaire au Quebec, Editions GID, Quebec. 2012.

Ref: A short film in French with Jean-Claude Bradet by la Société québécoise d’ethnologie:
