Emilien Cassivi

Born: 1924  |  Died: 2013

Emilien Cassivi. Sculptor. Woodcerver. L’Anse-au-Griffon, Gaspe, Quebec. Active mid to late 20th century.

Emilien Cassivi made carvings of animals and birds as well as models and scenes of Gaspe life. He never signed his work and he always painted his carvings.



Ref: Adrien Levasseur. Website. And:  Sculpteurs en Art Populaire au Quebec, Editions GID, Quebec. 2012.

Ora C. Walper

Born: 1881  |  Died: 1961

Ora C. Walper. Painter. Kitchener, Ontario. Active early to mid 20th century.

Ora Curry Walper was a painter of scenes of life in early Ontario. He was also a portrait painter and an inventor.


Ref:Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999).


Lauda Parent

Born: 1892  |  Died: 1977

Lauda Parent. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Templeton, Quebec. Active mid 20th century.

Lauda Parent made models of trains and planes in wood and metal.


Ref: An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art. Blake McKendry, Kingston, Ontario. 1999.

Ref:Kobayashi/Bird, A Compendium of Canadian Folk Artists (1985).

Louis Jobin

Born: 1845  |  Died: 1928

Louis Jobin. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Montreal, Quebec City. Active 19th – 20th century.

Louis Jobin was known for his religious carvings but he was active in many areas of sculpture. He made Cigar-Store figures of native people, ship figureheads and signs (in relief and in the round) as well as furniture. Marius Barbeau was instrumental in bringing Louis Jobin to the attention of fellow artists and the public.

A link to an excellent article on the Canadian Dictionary of Biography website:


Octave Morel

Born: 1837  |  Died: 1918

Octave Morel. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Quebec City, Quebec. Active mid – late 19th century.

Octave Morel was a sculptor of animals, religious works and other objects in wood.

Ref: Marius Barbeau, J’ai vu Québec. Québec City: Garneau.(1957).

Ref:Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999).

Link to article at French Cultural Heritage website (see note 12):
