Medard Cormier

Born: 1933

Medard Cormier. Painter. Bertrand, New Brunswick. Active mid 20th century.

Medard Cormier was a painter of naive landscapes in oil paints.


Ref: P. C. Laurette. Acadia Nova-15 Artists. Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. 1980.

Ref:Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999)

Frank Conway

Born: 1904  |  Died: 1970 ?

Frank Conway. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Toronto, Ontario. Active mid 20th century.

Frank ConwayFrank Conway made carved and painted wooden panels portraying scenes of early pioneer life in Ontario. His work has been collected by the Black Creek Pioneer Village in Toronto.


Ref:Kobayashi/Bird, A Compendium of Canadian Folk Artists (1985)

Ref:Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999)

Walter Cook

Born: 1923  |  Died: 1991

Walter Cook. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia. Active mid to late 20th century.

Walter Cook was a carver of naive sculptires of people, animals and birds. He painted his work in bright primary colours and usually signed his carvings.


Ref: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.

Ref:Kobayashi/Bird, A Compendium of Canadian Folk Artists (1985)

 Ref:Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999)

George Alles

Born: Active 1910.

George Alles. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Gadshill Station, Perth County, Ontario. Active 1910.

George Alles was a maker of naive carvings in wood. He also made weather vanes.


Ref:Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999)


Fred Alexie

Born: 1853  |  Died: 1939

Fred Alexie. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Painter. Port Simpson, Brithish Columbia. Active late 19th – early 20th century.

Fred Alexie made naive paintings in watercolours of the Skeena River area. He also made spirit carvings for the Tsimshian secret society rites.


Ref: Marius Barbeau. Exhibition of Canadian West Coast Art. Art Gallery of Ontario. 1928.

Ref: J. Russel Harper. A People’s Art. University of Toronto Press. 1974.

 Ref:Blake McKendry, An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art (1999)