Lucien Bergeron

Born: 1927  |  Died: 2009

Lucien Bergeron. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Montreal, Quebec. Active late 20th C.

Lucien Bergeron was the son of Alphonse Bergeron. Like his father he carved the birds of Quebec as a hobby and most of his works were given to friends and family. He didn’t often sign his work and it can be difficult to tell the carvings of these two Quebec artists apart. His works were in paint ans some of his mounts were different than his father’s.

I am including information and works given by Robert Bergeron, the nephew of Alphonse Bergeron. In French and with great thanks.

Some Birds by Alphonse Bergeron:Robert Bergeron. Nephew of Alphonse Bergeron writes:
Avec un parti pris évident, mon sculpteur d’art populaire préféré est mon oncle Alphonse…
Alphonse Bergeron (1893-1979) Comme je prépare un petit recueil de ses œuvres, j’aimerais
bien si vous avez de celles-ci que vous m’en faisiez part…Je joins aussi des pièces de
son fils Lucien Bergeron (1927-2009) qui a adopté le passe-temps de son père à la retraite.

Some Owls by Lucien Bergeron:

Lucien Bergeron. Folk Artist Montreal Quebec.

Lucien Bergeron.Montreal, Quebec. Woodcarver. Owls.

A song bird by Lucien Bergeron:

Lucien Bewrgeron. Song Bird carving.

Lucien Bergeron Song Bird Carving.