Lincoln Harvey. Sculptor. Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick. Active mid to late 20th century.
The Harvey family lived on Grand Manan from 1850 on. They were keepers of the light house at the Gannet Rock and the Machias Sea Island light. Lincoln Harvey was a carver of decoys as well as life-like and life-sized ornamental carvings of every kind of water-fowl and shore bird. He also made wonderfully detailed carvings of fish. He lived and worked on Grand Manan Island. While his decoy numbers were not large, perhaps as many as 100, his hunting decoys are famous for their beauty. He always signed and dated his work on the base. Some examples of his work are shown below.
A Puffin by Lincoln Harvey:
A carving of a Salmon by Lincoln Harvey:
Lincon Harvey. His mark:
The Sea Gull by Lincoln Harvey: