Alphonse Riel

Born: Active 1960's - ?

Alphonse Riel. Sculptor. Woodcarver. Montreal – Laurentians, Quebec. Active 1950’s – ?

The name Alphonse Riel is found on a painted flat-plane relief carving – apparently one of a series of carvings made by him (and others) and sold in the  middle of the last century. They were part of an  association of woodcarvers called ‘Art Carvers Associated’. They made typical Quebec and Laurentian scenes of cabins and country-side. An example by Alphonse Riel is shown below with images of the pamphlet accompanying the carvings.

A carving of a cabin in the Laurentians by Alphonse Riel:

Alphonse Riel. Flat-Plane Relief Carving. Art Carvers Associated.

Alphonse Riel. Flat-Plane Relief Carving. Art Carvers Associated.


The mark and the pamphlet:

Alphonse Riel. Flat-Plane Relief Carving.

Alphonse Riel. Flat-Plane Relief Carving.

The pamphlet:

Alphonse Riel. Art Carvers Associated Label.

Alphonse Riel. Art Carvers Associated Label.