Yvette Mongrain

Born: 1929

Yevette Mongrain. Sculptor. Saint-Stanislaus, Cte Champlain, Quebec. Active 1970 – .

Yvette Mongrain was a maker of ‘odd things’ or “des ‘bebelles’ ” to use a lovely French word. Using a variety of ‘as found’ materials she made structures for her yard. Things that turned in the wind or just looked interesting. Everything brightly painted. She entertained herself and the people passing by her yard. Lessard, in his book* used the term: ‘heteroclitic objects’; an archaic but delightful term never the less. She removed them from the yard and stored them inside in winter time. Yvette Mongrain used available ‘as found’ materials in her works; from soap containers to old lanterns. Yvette Mongrain was a maker of abstract art.


*Ref: Jean Simard, Pour Passer Le Temps: Artistes Populaires Du Quebec, Gouvernement du Quebec, Ministere des Affaires Culturelles. 1985.